Trains, platforms, and stations are the setting and starting point for thousands of stories. We invite you to spend an afternoon and evening discovering texts written during two different writing residencies. And you can also grab your pen and share your own story thanks to the Brussels City of Stories toolbox. All of this in… the former and recently renovated Laeken train station!
Brussels City of Stories collects stories from Brussels citizens. This year, the project
is looking for stories set in and around public transport, because everyone has experienced something worth sharing. All forms and lengths are welcome. Materials and a letterbox are ready and waiting to receive your story in prose, poetry, or drawings…
For some, the last train of the day evokes a special atmosphere and extraordinary characters. For others, the train is just a regular part of their daily commute. For one week, Jan Ducheyne and Laurence Vielle took the last trains through our country. In new poems they capture the end of the busy railway day.
Ellis Meeusen and Aïko Solovkine also took the train, both traveling across Eastern and Western Europe for three weeks. They took their time to travel and meet new people. Both writers returned with a text about their experiences, about night trains, transfers, and other cross-border (train) traffic.
Practical information
12 03 2022
MC Gare - Maison de la Création
15:00 - 18:00
Collecting station stories workshop - from 6 years
19:00 Readings/meeting the authors - from 16 years
Free registration: 280 28 98
Without Covid Safe Ticket (capacity limited to 50 people, facemasks must be worn, and
social distancing measures must be respected).
Organisation: Brussels City of Stories, EUROPALIA TRAINS & TRACKS, MC Gare, Passa Porta