CANCELED — Dolores Bouckaert
— Everybody has to leave home sometime
© Charlotte en Dolores Bouckaert

Canceled due to illness

Playwright and writer Dolores Bouckaert stages Mary Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom by Sylvia Plath, a dark story about female agency and independence, about life and death. In the performance Everybody has to leave home sometime, Dolores focuses on the choices Mary Ventura faces. As a young woman, Mary is placed on a train by her parents for a journey with no stops and to an unknown destination. She feels anxious and afraid, she does not want to go along with the others on the train. One special passenger points out that she does have a choice: ‘Pull the emergency brake Mary!’ Mary does not go along with the others and instead chooses the unknown. Can we also pull the emergency brake? How can you break the continuous movement that drives you on? Is quitting a solution? Does free will really exist? Or are we in any case subject to outside factors that impose a direction on us? These are the questions that Dolores addresses in this musical and cinematographic performance, the action of which is filmed and projected in real time.

Concept and performance:
Dolores Bouckaert 
Live music: Benjamin Glorieux, Micha Volders 
Production: Hiros 
With the support of: Bozar 
Residency support: workspacebrussels, Kunstenwerkplaats KWP, les ballets C de la B 

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